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Sneaky me

Exploration #49 Found words: Document an overheard conversation.

I was traveling home when I decided to start the exploration. It didn’t take long before I chose my victims. Two young people, a girl and a boy were talking very loudly.

I felt really sneaky when I was writing down the conversation. The two of them were just talking about a lot different kinds of subjects without knowing that I was writing down everything they said.

On the other hand I was amused by the fact that they didn’t know I was listening to their conversation.

The names I used are not the real ones. I used the most funny sentences from their conversation:

Jay: “I think I saw your mum and dad some days ago.”

Sarah: “Oh really?”

Jay: “Yes, and he was drinking alcohol.”

Sarah: “That couldn’t have been my dad he doesn’t drink. Probably it was my mum with another man.”*laughs*

Jay: *laughs* “You have to say that to your mum.”

Sarah: “Then they will immediately get divorced. I think you saw someone else.”

And so on and so on…

After a few minutes they started talking about their school time together:

Sarah: “Do you remember our teacher from elementary school? She was always eating sausage rolls.”

Jay: “Yes, I remember her.”

Sarah: “And what was the name of that other teacher from elementary school? When I ran away, everyone was waiting for me and I was not allowed to leave the square anymore.”

Jay: “I remember that. I’ve always been in the same class as you.”

Sarah: “Yes indeed. Btw do you remember that guy Steve from our class? He wanted to sell me weed some weeks ago.” *laughs*

I overheard this conversation, and couldn’t help it but smile. These were two people who knew each other for years. It’s amazing how friendship between some people will always remain.

It was a funny exploration to do, can’t wait to explore more with the help of this book!

I hope you will follow my journey to be an explorer of the world and maybe I’ll inspire you to become an explorer of the world too!

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