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Want to know what you buy?

What? I found a really cool app and website, called: `questionmark`. This app or site gives you all the background information about a product. How sustainable do you eat, they will search it out for you! Scan or search a product and see the score based on human rights, the environment, animal welfare and health. With this information you can make the best choice needed. Questionmark wants to reach four goals with their public information about the background of the products. For example they want to have transparency, support, standardization and give a substance to the discussion about food. Their dream is a world where the production of consumer goods is in balance with living nature and natural eco systems, where producers of these goods respect human rights and animal welfare. In that world producers of the consumer goods see it as their responsibility to offer consumer goods that fit in a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Why? Questionmark self already names one of the trends they really fit in, namely transparency. This because they give so much information about the background of products you otherwise never new. But not only transparency is a theme witch fits them but also collaboration is something they work on. They work together with other people and companies to create a true story behind a product. And besides transparency and collaboration also sharing is a trend they really fit in. this because they share really important information to work on a sustainable world. So as you can see sustainability is also a theme they work on. Questionmark is a coolhunt that is a perfect example of the open world.

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