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Making your party even more special! How?

What? Snapchat released a new tool you can use. First of all, for the people who have snapchat, we all spent so much time to watch our snapchat stories every day. We want to know what our friends are doing but we can also see what`s going on in the rest of the world. Snapchat makes my stories from, for example, the London Fashion week, the Grammys or an important football game. And there are even celebrities snapchatting for us. We can look through their eyes. Snapchat is a storyteller for a young audience. Snapchat has over a 100 million users all over the world. I mean also all my friends use it. But to talk about something new and really cools. Snapchat created the geofilter. You may know that if you are in a big city like Amsterdam or an event like Fashion Week you have these special filters you can use. Witch show where you are. At the beginning of 2016 snapchat stopped the fact that you had to pay for the filters you can put harts in your eyes or these monster filters. Instead of that they released the geofilter you have to pay for. They start from 5 dollar and you can make them as expensive as you want. But what is it? It is an amazing option that lets you share your story based on your location, without explicitly saying where you are! Snapchat self already does it in the big city’s but now it gives all the people the chance to create it their selves. It is created for anyone even for the business people. You can, with snapchat, hire an area and create your own filter like what they do with Amsterdam or Fashion Week. there are just 3 easy steps to follow on their website: 1. Design your filter 2 select an area 3. Buy the filter and the area

Why? This new snapchat tool is really cool because it creates an open world between the people who use this tool. You can use it when you have a party, or when you have a business event. You just buy an area, design a filter and let the people share their stories.

Our generation of mobile story tellers might be walking the red carpet soon. This is how PSFK sees the future of our mobile storytellers. For instance Youtubers and Instagrammers already walk down the red carpet but this, a Snapchatter will be renewing this row of mobile storytellers. But is it a chance for the Snapchatter? I follow some famous people on snapchat, but also not really famous people but famous Snapchatters. This also says that snapchat is a new social media source to become famous with. The new program encourages creativity, humor, imagination and social skills. And the gist is: Small screens. Big stories. I think it fits in the trend `the open world because you can share your stories. There is collaboration between snapchat and companies. Also big concerts can use this. All your friends can enjoy the concert via snapchat, this creates an open world. So it costs 5 dollar and when you buy an bigger area or you want the filter to exist longer it gets more expensive. I think people have a need to bond with the people they ae with. They want to tell and share their stories. You can already do this with Facebook or Instagram. But his tool gives an extra strong bonding between the people who use it. Ofcourse snapchat did it also to earn money but to me I think it is a fair price for something special as this tool. Just a written story on Facebook or this 12 second during movie on Instagram does not give you the experience that snapchat gives you with the geofilter. The geofilter is only available in the UK and the VS but they will soon send it to here! I am really wanting to use this when I have a birthday or I`ll maybe give it as a little present to the birthday girl/boy. J

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