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Find your healthy love

What? Hot or not, Tinder, Lexa, you might know these platforms where you can find you true love. When I was searching on the internet for e new coolhunt I found this really cool app called; Sprinter. It’s kind of the same as these platforms but a little different. with this app you can find your workout buddy. It works exactly the same as Tinder but you’re not looking for you true love but for a workout buddy. You can swipe through people who are either nearby or far away and see what their favourite sports are and get in touch with them. I became really interested in this app and I found out that it’s created by Björn Borg. And you can find it in the Appstore. And as they say in short: sweat, swipe and socialize.

Why? I am not a really big fan from dating sites like Tinder or Lexa but this one really gets my attention. First I really like the fact that it is about finding a sport buddy. It makes it a really social and healthy app at the same time. It also gets really well together with the major trend Togetherness. But also with Inline because you meet new people on the internet. Furthermore I think this concept is really cool because it could be the reason that you would live a little healthier than before. This because you’ll meet new people which you want to hang out with and where can you do that the best? Of course in the fitness or at the basketball court.

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